FAR 3 Day Courses €250
FAR 2 Day Refresher Courses -Comfirmation certificate of 3 day course required to attend.First Aid Response in Waterford
View information on all our upcoming public first aid courses on www.premierfirstaidtraining.ie.
Maurice Wadding, Premier First Aid Training. Tel: 087/9664150
The cost for a 3 day FAR is €275.00 and a 2 day FAR R is €189.00. When booking you members can mention AIRE and they will receive a €10.00 discount on any course.
DX2 Training Solutions. Contact Mary Flynn on 01 4427650 or 086 6088859.
Contact : John Doyle 051-877354- 086-8305475 for FAR Course dates.
First Aid Training, S.E., 8 Heathervue Rd, Riverview, Knockboy, Waterford.