The details of upcoming courses are below and there will always be a 10% discount for Aire members :
PHECC 3 day First Aid Response - €350 per person
PHECC 2 day First Aid Response Refresher - €250 per person
Please note PHECC have reverted to the 30 day Grace period from the expiry date on the certificate to qualify for refresher training.
Please call or email to book a place and mention “Aire rate” at time of booking.
Training courses will take place at Anderlift Safety Services Ltd, U10 Boland Industrial Estate, Old Mallow Road, Cork. T23 TK44.
Tel. 021-4559180 Email: Website:
John J. Doogan, First Aid Training Cork. Mob: 087 925 5497
3 Day FAR in Cork €250
2 Day Refresher €175 in Cork
November 12th & 13th
December 9th & 10th
First Aid Response 3 day & 2 day courses
Call Michael Kelleher Tel: 087 2589628 for new dates.
3 DAY FIRST AID RESPONSE - €225 per person. 2 DAY FIRST AID RESPONSE REFRESHER - €150 per person