“Develop your knowledge of safe horse handling through online study.
Complete a four-week short course to better understand horse behaviour, learning theory and safe handling techniques from the ground.
The course will be delivered completely online over a four-week period commencing Tuesday 18 March 2025.
For more information follow this link:https://www.cafre.ac.uk/.../introduction-to-groundwork.../”
Kym Griffin, PhD, FHEA
My working hours are 9-5 Mon-Thur
Equine Technologist | CAFRE, College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise |
Enniskillen Campus | Mullaghmeen Road | FERMANAGH BT74 4GF |
Contact : * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ( Tel: 028 66 344 612 ( DD: 35612