Educational Grant from Sport Ireland.
AIRE has been granted funds to assist Instructors in Approved Riding Centres with Educational Fees. This grant has been awarded by Sport Ireland through Horse Sport Ireland.
A lack of instructors and grooms has been noted around the country in the equestrian industry. This grant will allow workers to upskill and students to complete their educational path, details as follows:
BHS Exams: To make a claim for the cost of an exam, Riding Centres should forward the payment receipt (showing participant name, date, and type of exam) from BHS together with the successful certificate or assessment sheet should the candidate fail the exam. If the devolved method is used for Ride Safe Award or Stage 1 exams, an invoice from the host centre naming the participant is acceptable. Trekking Centres may use this initiative to train as Ride Leaders/Centre Managers. Extra dates will be arranged as required.
Students/clients availing of grant funded exams must commit to work experience/training of 15 hours per week for 4 weeks in the AIRE Approved Riding/Trekking Centres. The training will be free of charge, all work must be paid for in line with Workplace Relations Commission. This applies to those who are not employed by the centre. Training for BHS Exams will be by prior agreement with Approved Riding Centre and will only be offered by Centres with BHS trained staff. The Centre will be re-imbursed for the payment of exam when detailed receipt and proof of attendance is submitted. AIRE wishes to assist centres with the current lack of staff. This grant will assist those working in the industry to gain qualifications.
Education & Training of Riding Centre staff and students committing to 2 days Work Experience. On receipt of relevant paperwork AIRE will re-imburse members for their staff and clients who are taking exams/upskilling with new qualifications. To receive payment the Riding Centre must forward Receipt and Result/Assessment documents by email in PDF to office. Payments will be made to the Riding Centre rather than individuals. An AIRE Riding Centre must submit the paperwork to the office.
AIRE Members may update Health & Safety policies, a copy of new policy and receipt from provider should be forwarded by email in PDF to the office. AIRE will pay up to the maximum amount of €400 towards the fee.
Horse Sport Ireland Coaching Courses: A receipt detailing the participant names, date, course type and venue is required for payment together with certificate of attendance. AIRE will pay up to the maximum amount of €400 towards the fee.
Therapeutic Riding Course: A receipt detailing the participant names, date, course type and venue is required for payment together with certificate of attendance, AIRE will pay up to the maximum amount of €400 towards the fee.
3 Day First Aid Responder & 2 Day Refresher courses will be covered for members and staff. A receipt detailing the participant names, date, course type and venue is required for payment together with certificate of attendance.
Manual Handling courses may be arranged for staff, dates are available on A receipt detailing the participant names, date and venue is required for payment together with certificate of attendance.